# let f = generic
     :int->int->int => fun x y -> x+y
    |:int->int      => fun x   -> x;;
val f : [| int -> int -> int | int -> int |] = <generic>


# f 1;;
- : { int -> 'a < [| int -> int -> int | int -> int |] } => 'a = <generic>
# f 1 2;;
Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function.
- : { int -> int -> 'a < [| int -> int -> int | int -> int |] } => 'a = <generic>
# f 1 2 3;;
Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function.
Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function.
- : { int -> int -> int -> 'a < [| int -> int -> int | int -> int |] } => 'a = <generic>


# (f 1) = 1;;
- : bool = true
# (f 2) = 1;;
- : bool = false
# (f 1 2) = 3;;
Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function.
- : bool = true
# (f 1 2 3)=123;;
Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function.
Warning X: this argument will not be used by the function.
Type int -> int -> int -> int is not an instance of overloaded type
[| int -> int -> int | int -> int |].

正解。なんかwarningが気持ち悪い。will not beじゃなくてmay not beとかが正しいと思うけど。
